The Python Podcast.__init__

The Python Podcast.__init__

The podcast about Python and the people who make it great

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389 Episodes

Distributed Computing In Python Made Easy With Ray - E258


Distributed computing is a powerful tool for increasing the speed and performance of your applications, but it is also a complex and difficult undertaking. While performing research for his PhD, Robert Nishihara ran up against this reality. Rather than cobbling together another single…


Distributed computing is a powerful tool…

14 April 2020 | 00:41:00

Building The Seq Language For Bioinformatics - E257


Bioinformatics is a complex and computationally demanding domain. The intuitive syntax of Python and extensive set of libraries make it a great language for bioinformatics projects, but it is hampered by the need for computational efficiency. Ariya Shajii created the Seq language to bridge…


Bioinformatics is a complex and…

07 April 2020 | 00:36:25

An Open Source Toolchain For Natural Language Processing From Explosion AI - E256


The state of the art in natural language processing is a constantly moving target. With the rise of deep learning, previously cutting edge techniques have given way to robust language models. Through it all the team at Explosion AI have built a strong presence with the trifecta of SpaCy,…


The state of the art in natural language…

30 March 2020 | 00:51:20

A Flexible Open Source ERP Framework To Run Your Business - E255


Running a successful business requires some method of organizing the information about all of the processes and activity that take place. Tryton is an open source, modular ERP framework that is built for the flexibility needed to fit your organization, rather than requiring you to model…


Running a successful business requires…

23 March 2020 | 01:07:33

Getting A Handle On Portable C Extensions With hpy - E254


One of the driving factors of Python’s success is the ability for developers to integrate with performant languages such as C and C++. The challenge is that the interface for those extensions is specific to the main implementation of the language. This contributes to difficulties in…


One of the driving factors of…

16 March 2020 | 00:35:14

Open Source Machine Learning On Quantum Computers With Xanadu AI - E253


Quantum computers promise the ability to execute calculations at speeds several orders of magnitude faster than what we are used to. Machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms require fast computation to churn through complex data sets. At Xanadu AI they are building libraries…


Quantum computers promise the ability to…

10 March 2020 | 00:57:22

The Advanced Python Task Scheduler - E252


Most long-running programs have a need for executing periodic tasks. APScheduler is a mature and open source library that provides all of the features that you need in a task scheduler. In this episode the author, Alex Grönholm, explains how it works, why he created it, and how you can use…


Most long-running programs have a need…

02 March 2020 | 00:33:16

Reducing The Friction Of Embedded Software Development With PlatformIO - E251


Embedded software development is a challenging endeavor due to a fragmented ecosystem of tools. Ivan Kravets experienced the pain of programming for different hardware platforms when embroiled in a home automation project. As a result he built the PlatformIO ecosystem to reduce the friction…


Embedded software development is a…

25 February 2020 | 00:46:49

APIs, Sustainable Open Source and The Async Web With Tom Christie - E250


Tom Christie is probably best known as the creator of Django REST Framework, but his contributions to the state the web in Python extend well beyond that. In this episode he shares his story of getting involved in web development, his work on various projects to power the asynchronous web…


Tom Christie is probably best known as…

18 February 2020 | 00:43:45

Learning To Program Python By Building Video Games With Arcade - E249


Video games have been a vehicle for learning to program since the early days of computing. Continuing in that tradition, Paul Craven created the Arcade library as a modern alternative to PyGame for use in his classroom. In this episode he explains his motivations for starting a new…


Video games have been a vehicle for…

11 February 2020 | 00:41:43