The Python Podcast.__init__

The Python Podcast.__init__

The podcast about Python and the people who make it great

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389 Episodes

Catching Up With Pyre, A Fast Type Checker For Python - E378


Static typing versus dynamic typing is one of the oldest debates in software development. In recent years a number of dynamic languages have worked toward a middle ground by adding support for type hints. Python’s type annotations have given rise to an ecosystem of tools that use that…


Static typing versus dynamic typing is…

19 September 2022 | 00:51:45

Standardizing On Python For All Software Projects At - E377


Every software project is subject to a series of decisions and tradeoffs. One of the first decisions to make is which programming language to use. For companies where their product is software, this is a decision that can have significant impact on their overall success. In this episode…


Every software project is subject to a…

13 September 2022 | 00:50:26

Exploring The Process And Practice Of Building Better Software Through Code Reviews - E376


Writing code is only one piece of creating good software. Code reviews are an important step in the process of building applications that are maintainable and sustainable. In this episode On Freund shares his thoughts on the myriad purposes that code reviews serve, as well as exploring some…


Writing code is only one piece of…

05 September 2022 | 00:57:24

Ship With Confidence By Automating Quality Assurance - E375


Quality assurance in the software industry has become a shared responsibility in most organizations. Given the rapid pace of development and delivery it can be challenging to ensure that your application is still working the way it’s supposed to with each release. In this episode…


Quality assurance in the software…

28 August 2022 | 01:09:05

Remove Roadblocks And Let Your Developers Ship Faster With Self-Serve Infrastructure - E374


The goal of every software team is to get their code into production without breaking anything. This requires establishing a repeatable process that doesn’t introduce unnecessary roadblocks and friction. In this episode Ronak Rahman discusses the challenges that development teams…


The goal of every software team is to get…

14 August 2022 | 01:01:49

The Benefits Of Python And Django For Going From Zero To MVP At Speed - E373


Every startup begins with an idea, but that won’t get you very far without testing the feasibility of that idea. A common practice is to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that addresses the problem that you are trying to solve and working with early customers as they engage with…


Every startup begins with an idea, but…

31 July 2022 | 00:47:06

Powering The Next Generation Of Application Architectures With Web Assembly And The Fermyon Platform - E372


Application architectures have been in a constant state of evolution as new infrastructure capabilities are introduced. Virtualization, cloud, containers, mobile, and now web assembly have each introduced new options for how to build and deploy software. Recognizing the transformative…


Application architectures have been in a…

25 July 2022 | 01:10:40

Gain A Deeper Understanding Of What Your Code Is Doing And Where It Spends Its Time With VizTracer - E371


As your code scales beyond a trivial level of complexity and sophistication it becomes difficult or impossible to know everything that it is doing. The flow of logic and data through your software and which parts are taking the most time are impossible to understand without help from your…


As your code scales beyond a trivial…

17 July 2022 | 00:48:33

Stream Processing In Real Time And At Scale In Pure Python With Bytewax - E370


Analysis of streaming data in real time has long been the domain of big data frameworks, predominantly written in Java. In order to take advantage of those capabilities from Python requires using client libraries that suffer from impedance mis-matches that make the work harder than…


Analysis of streaming data in real time…

10 July 2022 | 00:42:32

Tetra: A Full Stack Web Framework That Doesn't Make You Write Everything Twice - E369


Building a fully functional web application has been growing in complexity along with the growing popularity of javascript UI frameworks such as React, Vue, Angular, etc. Users have grown to expect interactive experiences with dynamic page updates, which leads to duplicated business logic…


Building a fully functional web…

03 July 2022 | 00:53:07