The podcast about Python and the people who make it great
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The future of computation and our understanding of the world around us is driven by the quantum world. This week Paul Nation explains how the Quantum Toolbox in Python (QuTiP) is being used in research projects that are expanding our knowledge of the physical universe.
The future of computation and our understanding of the world around us is driven…
24 September 2017 | 00:36:31
Do you like Legos, robots, and Python? This week I am joined by David Lechner and Denis Demidov to talk about the ev3dev project and how you can program your Lego Mindstorms with Python!
Do you like Legos, robots, and Python? This week I am joined by David Lechner…
17 September 2017 | 00:44:01
Server administration is a complex endeavor, but there are some tools that can make life easier. If you are running your workload in a cloud environment then cloud-init is here to help. This week Scott Moser explains what cloud-init is, how it works, and how it became the de-facto tool for configuring your Linux servers at…
Server administration is a complex endeavor, but there are some tools that can…
10 September 2017 | 00:49:50
Advances in the techniques used for genome sequencing are providing us with more information to unlock the secrets of biology. But how does that data get processed and analyzed? With Python of course! This week I am joined by some of the core maintainers of Biopython to discuss what bioinformatics is, how Python is used to help…
Advances in the techniques used for genome sequencing are providing us with more…
03 September 2017 | 00:45:29
Server administration is an activity that often happens in an isolated context in a terminal. ChatOps is a way of bringing that work into a shared environment and unlocking more collaboration. This week Jacob Tomlinson talks about the work he has done on opsdroid, a new bot framework targeted at tying together the various…
Server administration is an activity that often happens in an isolated context…
26 August 2017 | 00:45:41
As developers we spend a lot of our work day in a terminal window, using shells that were designed 30 years ago. This week Liam Schumm joins me to explain why he decided to write a new, more ergonomic shell environment to simplify his workflow.
As developers we spend a lot of our work day in a terminal window, using shells…
20 August 2017 | 00:42:04
Analyzing and interpreting data is a large portion of the work involved in scientific research. Getting to that point can be a lot of work on its own because of all of the steps required to download, clean, and organize the data prior to analysis. This week Henry Senyondo talks about the work he is doing with Data Retriever to…
Analyzing and interpreting data is a large portion of the work involved in…
12 August 2017 | 00:17:55
We write tests to make sure that our code is correct, but how do you make sure the tests are correct? This week Ned Batchelder explains how fills that need, how he became the maintainer, and how it works under the hood.
We write tests to make sure that our code is correct, but how do you make sure…
06 August 2017 | 00:51:54
For any program that is used by more than one person you need a way to control identity and permissions. There are myriad solutions to that problem, but most of them are tied to a specific framework. Yosai is a flexible, general purpose framework for managing role-based access to your applications that has been decoupled from…
For any program that is used by more than one person you need a way to control…
30 July 2017 | 00:42:00
There are dozens of decisions that need to be made when building an application. Sometimes this can lead to analysis paralysis and prevent you from making progress, so don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. This week Michael Kennedy shares his experience with evolving his application architecture when his business…
There are dozens of decisions that need to be made when building an application.…
22 July 2017 | 00:47:58