The Python Podcast.__init__

The Python Podcast.__init__

The podcast about Python and the people who make it great

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389 Episodes

Liza Avramenko on CheckIO and Empire of Code - E18

Visit our site to listen to past episodes, find additional content, sign up for our newsletter or learn about the hosts.


In this episode we talked to Liza Avramenko, the CEO of CheckIO, about Empire of Code and CheckIO. We discussed what differentiates…

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06 August 2015 | 00:48:15

Glyph on Ethics in Software - E17

Visit our site for past episodes and extra content.


In this episode we had a nice long conversation with Glyph Lefkowitz of Twisted fame about his views on the need for an established code of ethics in the software industry. Some of the main points that…

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03 August 2015 | 01:19:23

Holger Krekel on Py.Test - E16

Visit our site to listen to past episodes, learn more about the show and sign up for our mailing list.


In this episode we talked to Holger Krekel about the py.test library. We discussed the various styles of testing that it supports, the plugin system…

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24 July 2015 | 01:11:00

Damien George Talks To Us About MicroPython - E15

Visit our site for more news, information and past episodes of Podcast.__init__!


We talked to Damien George about his work on the Micro Python interpreter and the PyBoard SOC (Systom On a Chip). The combination of the interpreter and SOC allows Python…

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16 July 2015 | 00:49:18

Allen Downey on Teaching Computer Science with Python - E14

Find past episodes and more information about the show at iTunes, Stitcher or

Find past episodes and more information about the show at

09 July 2015 | 00:37:42

Jacob Kovac on KivEnt - E13

Listen to past episodes and find out more about the show at our website


In this episode we talked to Jacob Kovac, creator of the KivEnt game engine and one of the Kivy core developers. He told us about what inspired him to create the…

Listen to past episodes and find out more about the show at our website

03 July 2015 | 01:08:42

Eric Schles on Fighting Human Trafficking with Python - E12

Listen to past episodes, read about the hosts or donate to the show at

Brief Introduction

  • Date of recording – June 10th, 2015
  • Hosts Tobias Macey and Chris Patti
  • Follow us on iTunes,…

Listen to past episodes, read about the hosts or donate to the show at

25 June 2015 | 01:13:10

Naomi Ceder, Lynn Root and Tracy Osborn on Diversity in the Python Community - E11

Listen to past episodes, read about the show and check out our donations section at

Brief Introduction

  • Date of recording – Jun-10th, 2015
  • Hosts Macey and Chris Patti
  • Follow us on iTunes, Stitcher or…

Listen to past episodes, read about the show and check out our donations section at

18 June 2015 | 00:49:15

Brian Granger and Fernando Perez of the IPython Project - E10

You can find past episodes and other information about the show at

Brief Introduction

  • Date of recording – June 3rd, 2015
  • Hosts – Tobias Macey and Chris Patti
  • Overview – Interview with Fernando Perez…

You can find past episodes and other information about the show at

13 June 2015 | 01:21:48

David Baumgold on Flask-Dance, WebhookDB and Open EdX - E9

You can find out more about us and view previous episodes at

Brief Introduction

  • Date of recording – 2015-06-02
  • Hosts – Tobias Macey and Chris Patti
  • Follow us on –

You can find out more about us and view previous episodes at

07 June 2015 | 00:32:21