The Python Podcast.__init__

The Python Podcast.__init__

The podcast about Python and the people who make it great

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Tobias Macey

389 Episodes

Building A Community And Technology Stack For Scalable Big Data Geoscience At Pangeo - E358


Science is founded on the collection and analysis of data. For disciplines that rely on data about the earth the ability to simulate and generate that data has been growing faster than the tools for analysis of that data can keep up with. In order to help scale that capacity for everyone…


Science is founded on the collection and…

28 March 2022 | 00:52:08

Automating Application Lifecycles For Developer Happiness At Wayfair - E357


A common piece of advice when starting anything new is to "begin with the end in mind". In order to help the engineers at Wayfair manage the complete lifecycle of their applications Joshua Woodward runs a team that provides tooling and assistance along every step of the journey.…


A common piece of advice when starting…

20 March 2022 | 00:46:12

Run Your Applications Reliably On Kubernetes Without Losing Sleep With Robusta - E356


Kubernetes is a framework that aims to simplify the work of running applications in production, but it forces you to adopt new patterns for debugging and resolving issues in your systems. Robusta is aimed at making that a more pleasant experience for developers and operators through…


Kubernetes is a framework that aims to…

14 March 2022 | 00:53:43

Accelerate The Development And Delivery Of Your Machine Learning Applications Using Ray And Deploy It At Anyscale - E355


Building a machine learning application is inherently complex. Once it becomes necessary to scale the operation or training of the model, or introduce online re-training the process becomes even more challenging. In order to reduce the operational burden of AI developers Robert Nishihara…


Building a machine learning application…

06 March 2022 | 00:45:58

See The Structure Of Your Software At A Glance With Call Graphs From Code2Flow - E354


As software projects grow and change it can become difficult to keep track of all of the logical flows. By visualizing the interconnections of function definitions, classes, and their invocations you can speed up the time to comprehension for newcomers to a project, or help yourself…


As software projects grow and change it…

28 February 2022 | 00:45:35

Scaling Knowledge Management For Technical Teams With Knowledge Repo - E353


One of the most persistent challenges faced by organizations of all sizes is the recording and distribution of institutional knowledge. In technical teams this is exacerbated by the need to incorporate technical review feedback and manage access to data before publishing. When faced with…


One of the most persistent challenges…

21 February 2022 | 00:39:35

Simplify And Scale Your Software Development Cycles By Putting On Pants (Build Tool) - E352


Software development is a complex undertaking due to the number of options available and choices to be made in every stage of the lifecycle. In order to make it more scaleable it is necessary to establish common practices and patterns and introduce strong opinions. One area that can have a…


Software development is a complex…

14 February 2022 | 00:58:15

Achieve Repeatable Builds Of Your Software On Any Machine With Earthly - E351


It doesn’t matter how amazing your application is if you are unable to deliver it to your users. Frustrated with the rampant complexity involved in building and deploying software Vlad A. Ionescu created the Earthly tool to reduce the toil involved in creating repeatable software…


It doesn’t matter how amazing your…

06 February 2022 | 00:54:01

Building A Detailed View Of Your Software Delivery Process With The Eiffel Protocol - E350


The process of getting software delivered to an environment where users can interact with it requires many steps along the way. In some cases the journey can require a large number of interdependent workflows that need to be orchestrated across technical and organizational boundaries,…


The process of getting software delivered…

31 January 2022 | 00:49:54

Improve Your Productivity By Investing In Developer Experience Design For Your Projects - E349


When we are creating applications we spend a significant amount of effort on optimizing the experience of our end users to ensure that they are able to complete the tasks that the system is intended for. A similar effort that we should all consider is optimizing the developer experience for…


When we are creating applications we…

24 January 2022 | 00:42:54