The Python Podcast.__init__

The Python Podcast.__init__

The podcast about Python and the people who make it great

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Data Engineering Podcast
Tobias Macey
AI Engineering Podcast
Tobias Macey

389 Episodes

Build Composable And Reusable Feature Engineering Pipelines with Feature-Engine - E338


Every machine learning model has to start with feature engineering. This is the process of combining input variables into a more meaningful signal for the problem that you are trying to solve. Many times this process can lead to duplicating code from previous projects, or introducing…


Every machine learning model has to start…

31 October 2021 | 00:53:29

Speed Up Your Python Data Applications By Parallelizing Them With Bodo - E337


The speed of Python is a subject of constant debate, but there is no denying that for compute heavy work it is not the optimal tool. Rather than rewriting your data oriented applications, or having to rearchitect them, the team at Bodo wrote a compiler that will do the optimization for you.…


The speed of Python is a subject of…

25 October 2021 | 00:58:07

An Exploration Of Financial Exchange Risk Management Strategies - E336


The world of finance has driven the development of many sophisticated techniques for data analysis. In this episode Paul Stafford shares his experiences working in the realm of risk management for financial exchanges. He discusses the types of risk that are involved, the statistical methods…


The world of finance has driven the…

16 October 2021 | 00:34:30

Build Better Machine Learning Models By Understanding Their Decisions With SHAP - E335


Machine learning and deep learning techniques are powerful tools for a large and growing number of applications. Unfortunately, it is difficult or impossible to understand the reasons for the answers that they give to the questions they are asked. In order to help shine some light on what…


Machine learning and deep learning…

09 October 2021 | 01:04:54

Accelerating Drug Discovery Using Machine Learning With TorchDrug - E334


Finding new and effective treatments for disease is a complex and time consuming endeavor, requiring a high degree of domain knowledge and specialized equipment. Combining his expertise in machine learning and graph algorithms with is interest in drug discovery Jian Tang created the…


Finding new and effective treatments for…

30 September 2021 | 00:44:31

An Exploration Of Automated Speech Recognition - E333


The overwhelming growth of smartphones, smart speakers, and spoken word content has corresponded with increasingly sophisticated machine learning models for recognizing speech content in audio data. Dylan Fox founded Assembly to provide access to the most advanced automated speech…


The overwhelming growth of smartphones,…

26 September 2021 | 00:54:01

Experimenting With Reinforcement Learning Using MushroomRL - E332


Reinforcement learning is a branch of machine learning and AI that has a lot of promise for applications that need to evolve with changes to their inputs. To support the research happening in the field, including applications for robotics, Carlo D’Eramo and Davide Tateo created…


Reinforcement learning is a branch of…

19 September 2021 | 00:54:18

Doing Dask Powered Data Science In The Saturn Cloud - E331


A perennial problem of doing data science is that it works great on your laptop, until it doesn’t. Another problem is being able to recreate your environment to collaborate on a problem with colleagues. Saturn Cloud aims to help with both of those problems by providing an easy to use…


A perennial problem of doing data science…

10 September 2021 | 00:38:01

Monitor The Health Of Your Machine Learning Products In Production With Evidently - E330


You’ve got a machine learning model trained and running in production, but that’s only half of the battle. Are you certain that it is still serving the predictions that you tested? Are the inputs within the range of tolerance that you designed? Monitoring machine learning…


You’ve got a machine learning model…

03 September 2021 | 00:50:59

Making Automated Machine Learning More Accessible With EvalML - E329


Building a machine learning model is a process that requires a lot of iteration and trial and error. For certain classes of problem a large portion of the searching and tuning can be automated. This allows data scientists to focus their time on more complex or valuable projects, as well as…


Building a machine learning model is a…

25 August 2021 | 00:45:53