The podcast about Python and the people who make it great
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Data scientists are tasked with answering challenging questions using data that is often messy and incomplete. Anaconda is on a mission to make the lives of data professionals more manageable through creation and maintenance of high quality libraries and frameworks, the distribution of an…
Data scientists are tasked with answering…
19 August 2021 | 00:55:49
Analysing networks is a growing area of research in academia and industry. In order to be able to answer questions about large or complex relationships it is necessary to have fast and efficient algorithms that can process the data quickly. In this episode Eugenio Angriman discusses his…
Analysing networks is a growing area of…
15 August 2021 | 00:37:07
Building a software-as-a-service (SaaS) business is a fairly well understood pattern at this point. When the core of the service is a set of machine learning products it introduces a whole new set of challenges. In this episode Dylan Fox shares his experience building Assembly AI as a…
Building a software-as-a-service (SaaS)…
04 August 2021 | 00:52:21
SQL has gone through many cycles of popularity and disfavor. Despite its longevity it is objectively challenging to work with in a collaborative and composable manner. In order to address these shortcomings and build a new interface for your database oriented workloads Erez Shinan created…
SQL has gone through many cycles of…
28 July 2021 | 00:36:39
When you start working on a data project there are always a variety of unknown factors that you have to explore. One of those is the volume of total data that you will eventually need to handle, and the speed and scale at which it will need to be processed. If you optimize for scale too…
When you start working on a data project…
22 July 2021 | 00:38:54
With the rising availability of computation in everyday devices, there has been a corresponding increase in the appetite for voice as the primary interface. To accomodate this desire it is necessary for us to have high quality libraries for being able to process and generate audio data that…
With the rising availability of…
14 July 2021 | 00:37:27
If you are interested in a library for working with graph structures that will also help you learn more about the research and theory behind the algorithms then look no further than graph-tool. In this episode Tiago Peixoto shares his work on graph algorithms and networked data and how he…
If you are interested in a library for…
07 July 2021 | 00:42:00
Deep learning has largely taken over the research and applications of artificial intelligence, with some truly impressive results. The challenge that it presents is that for reasonable speed and performance it requires specialized hardware, generally in the form of a dedicated GPU (Graphics…
Deep learning has largely taken over the…
30 June 2021 | 00:48:33
Brett Cannon has been a long-time contributor to the Python language and community in many ways. In this episode he shares some of his work and thoughts on modernizing the ecosystem around the language. This includes standards for packaging, discovering the true core of the language, and…
Brett Cannon has been a long-time…
23 June 2021 | 01:03:19
The foundation of every ML model is the data that it is trained on. In many cases you will be working with tabular or unstructured information, but there is a growing trend toward networked, or graph data sets. Benedek Rozemberczki has focused his research and career around graph machine…
The foundation of every ML model is the…
16 June 2021 | 00:47:47