The podcast about Python and the people who make it great
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Writing code that is easy to read and understand will have a lasting impact on you and your teammates over the life of a project. Sometimes it can be difficult to identify opportunities for simplifying a block of code, especially if you are early in your journey as a developer. If you work…
Writing code that is easy to read and…
30 March 2021 | 01:00:58
Becoming data driven is the stated goal of a large and growing number of organizations. In order to achieve that mission they need a reliable and scalable method of accessing and analyzing the data that they have. While business intelligence solutions have been around for ages, they…
Becoming data driven is the stated goal…
22 March 2021 | 00:47:33
Python is a language that is used in almost every imaginable context and by people from an amazing range of backgrounds. A lot of the people who use it wouldn’t even call themselves programmers, because that is not the primary focus of their job. In this episode Chris Moffitt shares…
Python is a language that is used in…
16 March 2021 | 00:49:30
There are a large and growing number of businesses built by and for data science and machine learning teams that rely on Python. Tony Liu is a venture investor who is following that market closely and betting on its continued success. In this episode he shares his own journey into the role…
There are a large and growing number of…
09 March 2021 | 00:39:31
Jupyter notebooks are a dominant tool for data scientists, but they lack a number of conveniences for building reusable and maintainable systems. For machine learning projects in particular there is a need for being able to pivot from exploring a particular dataset or problem to integrating…
Jupyter notebooks are a dominant tool for…
02 March 2021 | 00:44:24
When you are writing a script it can become unwieldy to understand how the logic and data are flowing through the program. To make this easier to follow you can use a flow-based approach to building your programs. Leonn Thomm created the Ryven project as an environment for visually…
When you are writing a script it can…
23 February 2021 | 00:47:21
One of the perennial challenges in software engineering is to reduce the opportunity for bugs to creep into the system. Some of the tools in our arsenal that help in this endeavor include rich type systems, static analysis, writing tests, well defined interfaces, and linting. Phillip…
One of the perennial challenges in…
16 February 2021 | 00:42:54
Collaborating on software projects is largely a solved problem, with a variety of hosted or self-managed platforms to choose from. For data science projects, collaboration is still an open question. There are a number of projects that aim to bring collaboration to data science, but they are…
Collaborating on software projects is…
09 February 2021 | 00:59:20
Creating well designed software is largely a problem of context and understanding. The majority of programming environments rely on documentation, tests, and code being logically separated despite being contextually linked. In order to weave all of these concerns together there have been…
Creating well designed software is…
02 February 2021 | 00:51:39
Working with network protocols is a common need for software projects, particularly in the current age of the internet. As a result, there are a multitude of libraries that provide interfaces to the various protocols. The problem is that implementing a network protocol properly and handling…
Working with network protocols is a…
26 January 2021 | 00:38:04