The Python Podcast.__init__

The Python Podcast.__init__

The podcast about Python and the people who make it great

19 May 2015

Jonathan Slenders Talks About Prompt Toolkit - E6

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Brief Introduction

  • Date of recording – May 17th, 2015
  • Hosts – Tobias Macey and Chris Patti
  • Follow us on iTunes, Stitcher or TuneIn
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  • Overview – Interview with Jonathan Slenders

    Interview with Jonathan Slenders

  • Introductions
  • How were you first introduced to Python? -Chris
  • What inspired you to create the python-prompt-toolkit?
  • What are some design considerations that you made when building prompt-toolkit?
    • Make minimal use of inheritance
      • Overly strong coupling
      • Better clarity for the API of your library
      • Completely event driven / asynchronous
      • No global state

    • ptpython completion benefits from asynchrony – The jedi completion library is too slow – completion happens in its own thread

  • You have built a number of projects that use the prompt-toolkit as a core component, did you have them in mind from the beginning, or are they experiments to test the capabilities of the toolkit?

  • Do you intend to bring PyVim to feature parity with Vim, or is it just intended for experimentation?

    • Short answer: Don’t know – but will probably never be in full parity with Vim

  • What inspired you to create ptpython and why did you choose to make it a stand-along project rather than extending iPython?

  • How difficult was it to integrate with IPython and what were the benefits?

    • IPython has its own event loop – this presented difficulties as prompt-toolkit has its own as well

  • What are some of the most interesting uses that you have seen of the prompt-toolkit?

    • PyVim – really challenged the design
    • pgcli


  • Tobias

  • Chris

  • Jonathan Slenders

    • Belgian Beer
      • Rochefort

    • Western European Folk Dancing

      Keep in touch

  • Twitter – @jonathan_s

  • GitHub – jonathanslenders

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