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Hosting your own artifact repositories can have a huge impact on the reliability of your production systems. It reduces your reliance on the availability of external services during deployments and ensures that you have access to a consistent set of dependencies with known versions. Many repositories only support one type of…
Hosting your own artifact repositories can have a huge impact on the reliability…
02 July 2018 | 00:30:44
The future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed. One of the places where this is especially true is in sub-Saharan Africa which is a vast region with little to no reliable internet connectivity. To help communities in this region leapfrog infrastructure challenges and gain access to opportunities for education and…
The future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed. One of the places…
25 June 2018 | 00:42:33
Machine learning models are often inscrutable and it can be difficult to know whether you are making progress. To improve feedback and speed up iteration cycles Benjamin Bengfort and Rebecca Bilbro built Yellowbrick to easily generate visualizations of model performance. In this episode they explain how to use Yellowbrick in the…
Machine learning models are often inscrutable and it can be difficult to know…
17 June 2018 | 00:55:13
The command line is a powerful and resilient interface for getting work done, but the user experience is often lacking. This can be especially pronounced in database clients because of the amount of information being transferred and examined. To help improve the utility of these interfaces Amjith Ramanujam built PGCLI, quickly…
The command line is a powerful and resilient interface for getting work done,…
11 June 2018 | 00:30:40
Pandas is a swiss army knife for data processing in Python but it has long been difficult to customize. In the latest release there is now an extension interface for adding custom data types with namespaced APIs. This allows for building and combining domain specific use cases and alternative storage mechanisms. In this episode…
Pandas is a swiss army knife for data processing in Python but it has long been…
04 June 2018 | 00:33:26
Software development is a skill that can create value and reduce drudgery in a wide variety of contexts. Sometimes the causes that are most in need of software expertise are also the least able to pay for it. By volunteering our time and abilities to causes that we believe in, we can help make a tangible difference in the world.…
Software development is a skill that can create value and reduce drudgery in a…
27 May 2018 | 00:43:13
One of the challenges of machine learning is obtaining large enough volumes of well labelled data. An approach to mitigate the effort required for labelling data sets is active learning, in which outliers are identified and labelled by domain experts. In this episode Tivadar Danka describes how he built modAL to bring active…
One of the challenges of machine learning is obtaining large enough volumes of…
21 May 2018 | 00:27:52
Testing is a critical activity in all software projects, but one that is often neglected in data pipelines. The complexities introduced by the inherent statefulness of the problem domain and the interdependencies between systems contribute to make pipeline testing difficult to manage. To make this endeavor more manageable Abe…
Testing is a critical activity in all software projects, but one that is often…
13 May 2018 | 00:50:43
We take it for granted every day, but creating and displaying vivid colors in our digital media is a complicated and often difficult process. There are different ways to represent color, the ways in which they are displayed can cause them to look different, and translating between systems can cause losses of information. To…
We take it for granted every day, but creating and displaying vivid colors in…
06 May 2018 | 00:57:41
Many developers enter the market from backgrounds that don’t involve a computer science degree, which can lead to blind spots of how to approach certain types of problems. Gary Bernhardt produces screen casts and articles that aim to teach these principles with code to make them approachable and easy to understand. In this…
Many developers enter the market from backgrounds that don’t involve a…
30 April 2018 | 00:52:07