The Python Podcast.__init__

The Python Podcast.__init__

The podcast about Python and the people who make it great

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389 Episodes

ZimboPy - E148


Learning to code is one of the most effective ways to be successful in the modern economy. To that end, Marlene Mhangami and Ronald Maravanyika created the ZimboPy organization to teach women and girls in Zimbabwe how to program in Python. In this episode they are joined by Mike Place to discuss how ZimboPy got started, the…


Learning to code is one of the most effective ways to be successful in the…

11 February 2018 | 00:29:21

PyRay: Pure Python 3D Rendering with Rohit Pandey - E147


Using a rendering library can be a difficult task due to dependency issues and complicated APIs. Rohit Pandey wrote PyRay to address these issues in a pure Python library. In this episode he explains how he uses it to gain a more thorough understanding of mathematical models, how it compares to other options, and how you can use…


Using a rendering library can be a difficult task due to dependency issues and…

05 February 2018 | 00:42:41

MonkeyType with Carl Meyer and Matt Page - E146


One of the draws of Python is how dynamic and flexible the language can be. Sometimes, that flexibility can be problematic if the format of variables at various parts of your program is unclear or the descriptions are inaccurate. The growing middle ground is to use type annotations as a way of providing some verification of the…


One of the draws of Python is how dynamic and flexible the language can be.…

28 January 2018 | 00:48:26

Learn Leap Fly: Using Python To Promote Global Literacy with Kjell Wooding - E145


Learning how to read is one of the most important steps in empowering someone to build a successful future. In developing nations, access to teachers and classrooms is not universally available so the Global Learning XPRIZE serves to incentivize the creation of technology that provides children with the tools necessary to teach…


Learning how to read is one of the most important steps in empowering someone to…

21 January 2018 | 00:43:07 Open Source Alerting For Your Cron Jobs with Pēteris Caune - E144


Your backups are running every day, right? Are you sure? What about that daily report job? We all have scripts that need to be run on a periodic basis and it is easy to forget about them, assuming that they are working properly. Sometimes they fail and in order to know when that happens you need a tool that will let you know so…


Your backups are running every day, right? Are you sure? What about that daily…

14 January 2018 | 00:27:24

Bonobo: Lightweight ETL Toolkit for Python 3 with Romain Dorgueil - E143


A majority of the work that we do as programmers involves data manipulation in some manner. This can range from large scale collection, aggregation, and statistical analysis across distrbuted systems, or it can be as simple as making a graph in a spreadsheet. In the middle of that range is the general task of ETL (Extract,…


A majority of the work that we do as programmers involves data manipulation in…

07 January 2018 | 00:53:57

Orange: Visual Data Mining Toolkit with Janez Demšar and Blaž Zupan - E142


Data mining and visualization are important skills to have in the modern era, regardless of your job responsibilities. In order to make it easier to learn and use these techniques and technologies Blaž Zupan and Janez Demšar, along with many others, have created Orange. In this episode they explain how they built a visual…


Data mining and visualization are important skills to have in the modern era,…

31 December 2017 | 00:49:05

Dramatiq: Distributed Task Queue For Python 3 with Bogdan Popa - E141


A majority of projects will eventually need some way of managing periodic or long-running tasks outside of the context of the main application. This is where a distributed task queue becomes useful. For many in the Python community the standard option is Celery, though there are other projects to choose from. This week Bogdan…


A majority of projects will eventually need some way of managing periodic or…

24 December 2017 | 00:38:13

Jake Vanderplas: Data Science For Academic Research - E140


Jake Vanderplas is an astronomer by training and a prolific contributor to the Python data science ecosystem. His current role is using Python to teach principles of data analysis and data visualization to students and researchers at the University of Washington. In this episode he discusses how he got started with Python, the…


Jake Vanderplas is an astronomer by training and a prolific contributor to the…

17 December 2017 | 00:49:27

Kenneth Reitz - E139


Kenneth Reitz has contributed many things to the Python community, including projects such as Requests, Pipenv, and Maya. He also started the community written Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python, and serves on the board of the Python Software Foundation. This week he talks about his career in the Python community and digs into…


Kenneth Reitz has contributed many things to the Python community, including…

10 December 2017 | 00:42:49